State DOTs

State Departments Of Transportation

State Departments Of Transportation

Trucking DOT Links

Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70 mph
Access Rules: 53-ft. trailers 941-ft. kingpin) on all state roads except country
roads with lanes less than 12 feet wide; 57-ft. trailers on designated system.
Interstate Size and Weight: Trailer: 57 ft., Single Axle: 20,000 lbs., Tandem
Axle: 34,000 lbs., Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Trailer 57 ft., Overall vehicle length: Not restricted,
Twins: Allowed on all federal, state routes
Trip Permit: 7-day vehicle permit $20
Department of Revenue 334-242-4571 fax: 334-242-9073
Vehicle Division
Box 327620
Montgomery, AL 36132
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65 mph
Access Rules: Twins and tractor-semi-trailers up to five miles off designated
system and certain other routes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 38,000 lbs.; Tri-axle: 42,000; Gross weight: Outer bridge formula;
inner bridge limits apply to tractor and first trailer of multi-trailer configurations.
State Size and Weight: Semitrailer: 45 ft.; Tractor-Semitrailer: 85 ft.; Twins:
95 ft. cargo; Gross weight: Same as interstate limit
Trip Permit: $10-$31 (Because it is necessary to cross foreign territory to reach
Alaska, carriers are advised to carry proof of vehicle ownership)
Department of Public Safety 907-269-5572 fax: 907-333-8615
Motor Vehicles Division
Trip Permit Unit
5700 E. Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 75 mph where posted
Access Rules: Access over existing truck routes to terminals and facilities for food,
fuel, repairs and rest. Tractor semi-trailers and twin combinations allowed on all roads
depending on width; 57-ft. trailers allowed 10 miles off Interstate.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; LCVs formula B with permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft. if trailer
exceeds 53 ft.; Twins: not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 96-hour vehicle permit, fees vary; 96-hour carrier permit, $48
Department of Transportation 602-255-7346 fax: 602-269-5611
Motor Carrier Services
Permit Section
1225 N. 25th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85009
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65, cars 70
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. 6 in.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 75 ft. if trailer
exceeds 53 ft.; Twins: 65 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hour vehicle, $33;
Dept. Finance & Administration 501-682-4653
fax: 501-682-4615
Motor Vehicle Division
Box 8091
Little Rock, AR 72203
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, cars 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to one mile from signed interchange. Access to
and from network for twins and tractor semi-trailers allowed for services. To terminals:
on signed routes or with special terminal access permit.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. or 53 ft. with 40-ft. kingpin or 38 ft.
on single axle trailer; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.;
Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft with 40 ft. kingpin; Tractor Semi-trailer:
65 ft. with 40-ft. kingpin; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Power unit: $45; 5-day, 1-trip: $35.; Fuel use: $30; Trailer: $5;
1 trip: $10
Department of Motor Vehicles 916-657-7971 fax: 916-657-6628
IRP-Mail Station H160
Box 932320
Sacramento, CA 94232
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75, lower for trucks in mountains
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 4 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 4 in.; Tractor-trailer combination: 75 ft.
Twins: 75 ft.; Gross weight: 85,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10,000 to 30,000 lbs. $71; 30,001 to 59,999 $82;
60,000 lbs and over $93
Department of Revenue 303-757-9241 fax:
Motor Carrier Services
1881 Pierce Street
Lakewood, CO 80214
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and 53-ft. trailers restricted to one mile; beyond that
by permit over shortest route.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft with same access restrictions as
twins; Single axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on designated roads; Tractor
semi-trailer: not restricted; Twins: Permitted as above; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee: $23
Department of Transportation 860-594-2816
fax: 860-594-2880
Box 317546
Newington, CT 06031
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: maximum 65, except on portions of I-95 and on U.S. in
Dover area
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on Interstate and all U.S. numbered
routes, except as posted; access by specific route permit only.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: not restricted; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72-hour vehicle permit, $15; 72-hour fuel permit, $15; IFTA 30-day, no
Department of Transportation 302-739-4538
fax: 302-739-6299
Division of Motor Fuel Tax
PO Drawer E
Dover, De 19903-1565
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65 on interstate
Access Rules: Access by permit only
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft .; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: not restricted; Tractor semi-trailer: 55-ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $19
Department of Public Works 202-727-7050
Telex: 202-638-0679
614 H St. N.W.
Room 200
Washington, DC 20001
DOT Website Construction
Website State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Access for twin 28-ft. trailers on all roads not posted. Semis have
unlimited access. Federal system includes state roads with 12-ft. lanes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. or 57 ft. 6 in. with permit; Single
axle: 22,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 44,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Double 48 ft. trailers permitted on turnpike; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $45 plus wire service fee
Division of Motor Vehicles 850-488-6921
fax: 850-922-7148
Bureau of Motor Carrier Services
2900 Apalachee Parkway
Room A110
Tallahassee, FL 32399
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Access for twins restricted to one mile off specified interchanges;
semi’s, all roads with 12-ft. lanes; 53-ft. trailers restricted to 67-ft. 6 in. overall length
limit on state designated system and 60-ft. overall on other state routes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. or 41-ft. kingpin; 67-ft 6-in. overall;
Single axle: 20,340 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48-ft. or 53-ft. if 67 ft 6 in. overall on designated
highway; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft. or 67 ft. 6 in. if 53-ft. trailer; Twins: Designated
highways; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5-$20
Department of Transportation 404-624-0411
fax: 404-635-8501
Office of Permits and Enforcement
925 E. Confederate Ave.
Bldg. 24, 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30316
Bulk permits, fax: 404-635-8507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 55
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted ; Single axle: 22,500 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 45-ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft.; Twins:
65-ft. overall; Gross weight: 88,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Unknown
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
Trucks: 65, Cars: 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on some roads; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 105,500 lbs. By
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: Overall length
restriction 65 ft.; Twins: 61 ft. combined trailers; 75 overall if over 61ft.; Gross weight:
105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: $25 per unit; $25 per fuel
Transportation Department 208-334-8688
fax: 2098-334-8696
Ports of Entry
Box 7129
Boise, ID 83707
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
Trucks 55, cars 65
Access Rules: Twins and 102 inch wide vehicles allowed one-mile access on any
road. Units up to 65 feet in length and no more than 73,280 pounds gross weight and
allowed five miles access on any road or street with lanes at least 11 feet wide
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 45 ft. 6 in. with kingpin; Single
axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 105,500 lbs. By
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft. with 45 ft. 6 in. kingpin on trailers more
than 48 ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: 45 ft. 6 in. kingpin on trailers more than 48 ft.; Twins:
65 ft.; Gross weight: 73,280 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72-hour vehicle permit, $15
Secretary of State
Commercial & Farm Truck Division
300 Howlett Bldg., Room 300
Springfield, IL 62764
217-785-1816 fax: 217-5247-0123
800-252-8638 (in-state only)
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 60, cars 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft. with 43-ft. kingpin setting; Tractor
semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $50 (maximum of four per calendar year)
Department of Revenue 317-615-7340 fax:
Special Tax Division
Motor Carrier Services
5252 Decatur Blvd., Suite R
Indianapolis, IN 46221
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Federal regulations on vehicle size, length and
access apply on all state highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Gross weight: 96,000 (non Interstate)
Trip Permit: 72 hour vehicle permit $10; 72 hour or 1 trip fuel
permit, $20
Department of Transportation 515-237-3264
fax: 515-237-3257
Motor Carrier Services
Box 10382
Des Moines, IA 50306
DOT Website Construction
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 on Interstates, 4 lanes divided highways; 65 on posted
Access Rules: No restrictions, except on LCV units where applicable.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Wide
base single tire only (section width 14 in. or more) 600 lbs. Per inch on steering axle,
575 lbs. Per inch all other axles; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not
restricted; Twins: 28 ft. 6 in.; Gross weight: 150,000 (effective 1-97)
Trip Permit: $10; non-IRP fuel fuel, $26; Oversize: $5
Dept. of Revenue 785-296-2356 fax:
Div. of Vehicles
Central Permit Office
3718 SW Burlingame Rd.
Topeka, KS 66609
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and tractor-trailers restricted to five miles on state
maintained highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $40
Transportation Cabinet 502-564-4540
fax 502-564-4138
Division of Motor Carriers
Box 2007
Frankfort, KY 40602
502-564-4127 (fuel permits)
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to 10 miles to terminals and facilities for food, fuel,
repairs and rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5 plus transmission fees & truck stop
Public Service Commission 225-342-1422
Box 91154
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis restricted to one mile in both rural and
urban areas; permit required for operation beyond; access unlimited for kingpin of 38 ft.
or less.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. (53 ft. by permit); Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 38 ft. kingpin; Tractor-Semi-trailer:
65 ft. with 38 ft. kingpin; Twins: Permit required; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 90,000
lbs. With tridem; 100,000 lbs. by permit
Trip Permit: $8 for 30 days if no bingo stamp on card
insurance required
Motor Vehicle Division
Commercial Vehicle Center
29 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
207-287-8633 TWX: 207-622-5332 fax: 207-622-5332
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65; though lower speeds are posted in
western counties, with differentials for cars and trucks.
Access Rules: Twin-trailer units must use shortest practical
route between
designated highways and a truck terminal or cargo destination, or up to
one mile to facilities for food, fuel, repairs or rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. (hazmats allowed
in non-bulk quantities; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000
lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on designated
routes; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: On designated
routes; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: fees vary
Department of Transportation 410-582-5727
Office of Traffic & Safety
7491 Connelly Drive
Hanover, MD 21076
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis by specific route permit to terminate upon
petition by manufacturing facility.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. permit and markings required; Single
axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. most highways, permit and markings
required; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: (wire services only) 72 hour vehicle permit, $15; 72 hour IFTA permit,
Department of Revenue 617-887-5080 (information only)
Bureau of Excise Taxes
Box 7012
Boston, MA 02204
DOT Website
Construction Website State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, Cars 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to five miles on state highways only.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin or 50 ft.
designated highways; Single axle: 20,000 lbs. with 12,000 lb. Steering axle limit;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 11 axles up to 164,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 50 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 58 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; maximum axle weight 13,000 lb. with one
32,000 lbs. tandem axle and an 18,000 lbs. steering axle, 11 axles and up to 164,000 lbs.
with proper spacing.
Trip Permit: $20 for 72 hours
Department of State 517-332-5458 fax:
IRP Unit
Bureau of Driver & Vehicle Records
Lansing, MI 48918
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: 70 mph on posted interstates
Access Rules: Twins and semis: fuel, food, repairs and points of loading and
unloading; household goods and livestock carriers: rest or for purpose of route continuity.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs. (46,000 w/permit); Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting;
Tractor-Semi-trailer: 75 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 15 days, $15
Department of Public Safety 651-405-6169
fax: 651-405-6168
Driver & Vehicle Services
1110 Centre Pointe Curve
Suite 425
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $25
Department of Transportation 601-923-7000
fax: 601-923-7133
Permit Section
Box 1140
Jackson, MS 39215
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access restricted to 10 miles.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semitrailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
State Size and Weight: Semitrailer: Not restricted; Tractor-Semitrailer: 60 ft.;
Twins: 65 ft. on specified roads; 55 ft. on all others; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
Trip Permit: Recip., $10; Fuel, $10; $5, DOT; Combined fuel/reip.,
$20; Combined IRP-IFTA, $25
Highway Reciprocity Commission 573-751-6433
fax: 573-751-0916
Box 893
Jefferson City, MO 65105
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65, cars 75, all vehicles at night 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft; 57 ft. with permit; Tractor Semi-trailer:
Not restricted; Twins: Overall combination length of 61 ft; Single truck: 55 ft.; Gross
weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Department of Transportation 406-444-6130 Fax: 406-444-7670
Motor Carrier Services
Box 4639
Helena, MT 59604
DOT Website Construction

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 65 ft. trailers and coupling device; Gross weight: 95,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: One round-trip, no fee after that carrier must be
registered and have ID stamp on cab card in truck
Department of Motor Vehicles 402-471-4435
fax: 402-479-4024
Motor Carrier Services
Box 98935
Lincoln, NE 68509
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs. 129,000 lbs. by permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 70 ft.; Twins: 70
ft. overall; Gross weight: 129,000 lbs. by permit
Trip Permit: 24 hours, $5 plus 15 cents/mile, plus $30 fuel
charge if they’re not IFTA
Department of Motor Vehicles 702-687-5340
fax: 702-687-4756
Motor Carrier Bureau
555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins by permit only
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41-ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs. 129,000 lbs. by permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 3 days, $10
Department of Public Safety 603-271-2311
Bureau of Road Tolls
10 Hazen Dr.
Concord, NH 03305
DOT Website
Construction Website State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins to and from terminal destination; permit not needed.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5 decal
Division of Motor Vehicles 609-633-9399
fax: 609-633-9393
Bureau of Motor Carriers
225 E State St., 2nd Floor West
Trenton, NJ 08666
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: Access and deliveries by twins and semis limited to within 20 miles of
Interstate system and designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 21,600 lbs. with
steer axle of 12,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,320 lbs.; Gross weight: 86,400 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft. if
exceeds allowable trailer length; Twins: 65 ft.; Gross weight: 86,400 lbs.
Trip Permit: 48 hours, $5
Motor Transportation Division 505-827-2265
fax: 505-983-0135
Attn: Registration Section
Box 1028
Santa Fe, NM 87504
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph; Turnpike doubles 55 on Thruway
Access Rules: Access follows federal 1 mile rule; other specified routes to be
authorized by state DOT upon carrier petition; 102 in. equipment allowed on all
highways with 10 ft. lanes
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 86,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 65 ft.; Twins: Not
permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $15 plus mileage tax
Department of Taxation & Finance 518-457-3653
Bldg. 8
State Campus
Albany, NY 12227
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access by application beyond 3 miles for STAA twins and semis
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 38,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $15
Division of Motor Vehicles 919-733-7458
IRP Section
1425 Rock Quarry Road
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27610
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on all state highways; combinations over
75 ft. on designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 88 ft. state designated highways; 75 ft. all others; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross
weight: 105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $20
N.D. Highway Patrol 701-328-2621 fax: 701-328-1642
Motor Carrier Division
Hazardous Materials
600 E. Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, Cars 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: pup 28 ft. 6 in.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $10 plus surcharge
Department of Transportation 614-728-4099
fax: 614-728-4098
Special Hauling Permit Section
11610 W. Broad Street.
Columbus, OH 43223
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Interstate 70, Turnpike 75, all vehicles
Access Rules: 53 ft. each trailer, combination, not to exceed 100 ft. on Interstate and
four-lane roads only, 5 mile access
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. (59 ft. 6 in. by permit); Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: 29 ft.; Gross weight: 90,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $12
Oklahoma Tax Commission 405-521-3036
fax: 405-525-2906
Motor Vehicle Prorate Division
2501 Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73194
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, cars 65
Access Rules: Access to one mile except where posted and on designated routes
with up to 48 ft. trailer
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft. with unlimited
trailer length on Group One highways; 65 ft. on Group Two highways with some
exceptions; Twins: 60 ft. on Group One highways; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $8 plus road use fee
Department of Transportation 503-373-0000 or
fax: 5503-378-2873
Motor Carrier Branch
Over-Dimension Permit Unit
550 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97310
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for 102 in. 48 ft. and 53 ft. trailers and twins allowed
on marked routes; written approval of state DOT no longer needed. Also ½ mile from
ramps and intersections; 1 mile to terminal or facility for food, fuel, rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft.;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: No provision
Department of Revenue 717-783-1906
TWX, Telex: 717-783-9204
Box 280646
Harrisburg, PA 17128
PA Turnpike Site
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65 on I-295 and portions of I-95
Access Rules: Access for semis is all roads; and for twins restricted to one mile of
Interstate for food, fuel and rest; other routes by shipper/consignee request to state. 53
ft. trailers on Interstates only; access requires route approval by state DOT ($1000
fine), 401-277-2950 ext. 2036
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single
axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: 28 ft.
6 in.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $20; Blanket fee $100
Division of Motor Vehicles 401-222-2970 ext.
2031, 2032
Room 103
286 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Access for twins is five miles to terminals, fuel, food and rest; by
permission for greater distances.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single
axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 35,200 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; 102 inc. wide vehicles all roads; Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: By permission; Gross weight: 80,608 lbs.
Trip Permit: $15 plus wire service fee
Department of Public Safety 803-737-6620 800-937-6329
Box 1498
Columbia, SC 29216
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on all state highways; combinations over
75 ft. on designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 88 ft. state designated highways; 75 ft. all others; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross
weight: 105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fuel permit $20; oversize $20; single trip
commercial license $15
Highway Patrol 605-773-4578
fax: 605-773-6046
Motor Carrier Enforcement
500 E. Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Unavailable at this time
Interstate Size and Weight: Unavailable at this time
State Size and Weight: Unavailable at this time
Trip Permit: No Provision
Dept. of Transportation 615-741-3821 fax:
Overweight & Over-Dimensional
Permit Section
Suite 300 James K. Polk Bldg.
505 Deaderick St.
Nashville, TN 37243
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 70 day, 55 night; cars 70 day, 65 night
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Tractor $25; Trailer $25
Department of Transportation 800-299-1700
fax: 512-465-3565
Motor Carrier Division
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin or 53 ft. if
70 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin; Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: No overall limit if trailing units are 61 ft. or less;
Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 96 hours, $20 single unit, $40 combination; $20
for fuel
Department of Transportation 801-965-4508
fax: 801-965-4936
Ports of Entry Division
Box 141210
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association


Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins without permit limited to one mile for fuel, lodging,
repairs by permit; 48 ft. semis unlimited if 65 ft. overall; 53 ft. semis have one-mile
access; beyond that by route and company-specific permit.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.; Twins: Not
permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hour trip, $15
Department of Motor Vehicles 802-828-2070
Commercial Vehicle Operations
120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05603
DOT Website Construction Website

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Shortest possible route within one mile.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with kingpin setting no more than
41 ft. to rearmost axle or midpoint of tandem axles; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $20 fuel; $15 IRP, 10 days
Department of Motor Vehicles 804-367-0558
2300 W. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 60, cars 70
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 60 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Department of Licensing 360-753-6901
Fuel Tax Division
Box 9228
Olympia, WA 98507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Restricted to two miles, including pints of loading and unloading
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 37 ft. kingpin from last tractor
axle to first semi-trailer axle; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross
weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not specified; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft. some
roads restricted; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Use wire services
Department of Motor Vehicles 304-558-3629
fax: 304-558-3735
IRP Section
PO Box 174
Charleston, WV 25321
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and other combinations not to exceed five miles to
points of loading and unloading or staging or vehicle assembly facilities
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 43 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted, maximum 43 ft. kingpin;
Tractor-Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $15
By wire service: Cummins Cash 800-223-5588
jet permits: 800-733-2911 (in-state)
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 117,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 81 ft. overall with 48 ft. semi-trailer; Gross weight: 117,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Wyoming Highway Patrol TWX: 307-777-4376
Fax: 307-777-4399
Box 1708
Cheyenne, WY 82003
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

State Departments Of Transportation

Trucking DOT Links

Federal Motor Carriers Safety Regulations Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70 mph
Access Rules: 53-ft. trailers 941-ft. kingpin) on all state roads except country
roads with lanes less than 12 feet wide; 57-ft. trailers on designated system.
Interstate Size and Weight: Trailer: 57 ft., Single Axle: 20,000 lbs., Tandem
Axle: 34,000 lbs., Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Trailer 57 ft., Overall vehicle length: Not restricted,
Twins: Allowed on all federal, state routes
Trip Permit: 7-day vehicle permit $20
Department of Revenue 334-242-4571 fax: 334-242-9073
Vehicle Division
Box 327620
Montgomery, AL 36132
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65 mph
Access Rules: Twins and tractor-semi-trailers up to five miles off designated
system and certain other routes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 38,000 lbs.; Tri-axle: 42,000; Gross weight: Outer bridge formula;
inner bridge limits apply to tractor and first trailer of multi-trailer configurations.
State Size and Weight: Semitrailer: 45 ft.; Tractor-Semitrailer: 85 ft.; Twins:
95 ft. cargo; Gross weight: Same as interstate limit
Trip Permit: $10-$31 (Because it is necessary to cross foreign territory to reach
Alaska, carriers are advised to carry proof of vehicle ownership)
Department of Public Safety 907-269-5572 fax: 907-333-8615
Motor Vehicles Division
Trip Permit Unit
5700 E. Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 75 mph where posted
Access Rules: Access over existing truck routes to terminals and facilities for food,
fuel, repairs and rest. Tractor semi-trailers and twin combinations allowed on all roads
depending on width; 57-ft. trailers allowed 10 miles off Interstate.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; LCVs formula B with permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft. if trailer
exceeds 53 ft.; Twins: not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 96-hour vehicle permit, fees vary; 96-hour carrier permit, $48
Department of Transportation 602-255-7346 fax: 602-269-5611
Motor Carrier Services
Permit Section
1225 N. 25th Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85009
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65, cars 70
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. 6 in.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 75 ft. if trailer
exceeds 53 ft.; Twins: 65 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hour vehicle, $33;
Dept. Finance & Administration 501-682-4653
fax: 501-682-4615
Motor Vehicle Division
Box 8091
Little Rock, AR 72203
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, cars 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to one mile from signed interchange. Access to
and from network for twins and tractor semi-trailers allowed for services. To terminals:
on signed routes or with special terminal access permit.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. or 53 ft. with 40-ft. kingpin or 38 ft.
on single axle trailer; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.;
Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft with 40 ft. kingpin; Tractor Semi-trailer:
65 ft. with 40-ft. kingpin; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Power unit: $45; 5-day, 1-trip: $35.; Fuel use: $30; Trailer: $5;
1 trip: $10
Department of Motor Vehicles 916-657-7971 fax: 916-657-6628
IRP-Mail Station H160
Box 932320
Sacramento, CA 94232
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75, lower for trucks in mountains
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 4 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 4 in.; Tractor-trailer combination: 75 ft.
Twins: 75 ft.; Gross weight: 85,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10,000 to 30,000 lbs. $71; 30,001 to 59,999 $82;
60,000 lbs and over $93
Department of Revenue 303-757-9241 fax:
Motor Carrier Services
1881 Pierce Street
Lakewood, CO 80214
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and 53-ft. trailers restricted to one mile; beyond that
by permit over shortest route.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft with same access restrictions as
twins; Single axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on designated roads; Tractor
semi-trailer: not restricted; Twins: Permitted as above; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee: $23
Department of Transportation 860-594-2816
fax: 860-594-2880
Box 317546
Newington, CT 06031
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: maximum 65, except on portions of I-95 and on U.S. in
Dover area
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on Interstate and all U.S. numbered
routes, except as posted; access by specific route permit only.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: not restricted; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72-hour vehicle permit, $15; 72-hour fuel permit, $15; IFTA 30-day, no
Department of Transportation 302-739-4538
fax: 302-739-6299
Division of Motor Fuel Tax
PO Drawer E
Dover, De 19903-1565
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 65 on interstate
Access Rules: Access by permit only
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft .; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: not restricted; Tractor semi-trailer: 55-ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $19
Department of Public Works 202-727-7050
Telex: 202-638-0679
614 H St. N.W.
Room 200
Washington, DC 20001
DOT Website Construction
Website State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Access for twin 28-ft. trailers on all roads not posted. Semis have
unlimited access. Federal system includes state roads with 12-ft. lanes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. or 57 ft. 6 in. with permit; Single
axle: 22,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 44,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Double 48 ft. trailers permitted on turnpike; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $45 plus wire service fee
Division of Motor Vehicles 850-488-6921
fax: 850-922-7148
Bureau of Motor Carrier Services
2900 Apalachee Parkway
Room A110
Tallahassee, FL 32399
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Access for twins restricted to one mile off specified interchanges;
semi’s, all roads with 12-ft. lanes; 53-ft. trailers restricted to 67-ft. 6 in. overall length
limit on state designated system and 60-ft. overall on other state routes.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. or 41-ft. kingpin; 67-ft 6-in. overall;
Single axle: 20,340 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48-ft. or 53-ft. if 67 ft 6 in. overall on designated
highway; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft. or 67 ft. 6 in. if 53-ft. trailer; Twins: Designated
highways; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5-$20
Department of Transportation 404-624-0411
fax: 404-635-8501
Office of Permits and Enforcement
925 E. Confederate Ave.
Bldg. 24, 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30316
Bulk permits, fax: 404-635-8507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 55
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted ; Single axle: 22,500 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 45-ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: 60-ft.; Twins:
65-ft. overall; Gross weight: 88,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Unknown
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
Trucks: 65, Cars: 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on some roads; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 105,500 lbs. By
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: Overall length
restriction 65 ft.; Twins: 61 ft. combined trailers; 75 overall if over 61ft.; Gross weight:
105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: $25 per unit; $25 per fuel
Transportation Department 208-334-8688
fax: 2098-334-8696
Ports of Entry
Box 7129
Boise, ID 83707
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
Trucks 55, cars 65
Access Rules: Twins and 102 inch wide vehicles allowed one-mile access on any
road. Units up to 65 feet in length and no more than 73,280 pounds gross weight and
allowed five miles access on any road or street with lanes at least 11 feet wide
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 45 ft. 6 in. with kingpin; Single
axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 105,500 lbs. By
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft. with 45 ft. 6 in. kingpin on trailers more
than 48 ft.; Tractor semi-trailer: 45 ft. 6 in. kingpin on trailers more than 48 ft.; Twins:
65 ft.; Gross weight: 73,280 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72-hour vehicle permit, $15
Secretary of State
Commercial & Farm Truck Division
300 Howlett Bldg., Room 300
Springfield, IL 62764
217-785-1816 fax: 217-5247-0123
800-252-8638 (in-state only)
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 60, cars 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53-ft. with 43-ft. kingpin setting; Tractor
semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $50 (maximum of four per calendar year)
Department of Revenue 317-615-7340 fax:
Special Tax Division
Motor Carrier Services
5252 Decatur Blvd., Suite R
Indianapolis, IN 46221
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Federal regulations on vehicle size, length and
access apply on all state highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Gross weight: 96,000 (non Interstate)
Trip Permit: 72 hour vehicle permit $10; 72 hour or 1 trip fuel
permit, $20
Department of Transportation 515-237-3264
fax: 515-237-3257
Motor Carrier Services
Box 10382
Des Moines, IA 50306
DOT Website Construction
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 on Interstates, 4 lanes divided highways; 65 on posted
Access Rules: No restrictions, except on LCV units where applicable.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Wide
base single tire only (section width 14 in. or more) 600 lbs. Per inch on steering axle,
575 lbs. Per inch all other axles; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not
restricted; Twins: 28 ft. 6 in.; Gross weight: 150,000 (effective 1-97)
Trip Permit: $10; non-IRP fuel fuel, $26; Oversize: $5
Dept. of Revenue 785-296-2356 fax:
Div. of Vehicles
Central Permit Office
3718 SW Burlingame Rd.
Topeka, KS 66609
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit:
All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and tractor-trailers restricted to five miles on state
maintained highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $40
Transportation Cabinet 502-564-4540
fax 502-564-4138
Division of Motor Carriers
Box 2007
Frankfort, KY 40602
502-564-4127 (fuel permits)
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to 10 miles to terminals and facilities for food, fuel,
repairs and rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5 plus transmission fees & truck stop
Public Service Commission 225-342-1422
Box 91154
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis restricted to one mile in both rural and
urban areas; permit required for operation beyond; access unlimited for kingpin of 38 ft.
or less.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. (53 ft. by permit); Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 38 ft. kingpin; Tractor-Semi-trailer:
65 ft. with 38 ft. kingpin; Twins: Permit required; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 90,000
lbs. With tridem; 100,000 lbs. by permit
Trip Permit: $8 for 30 days if no bingo stamp on card
insurance required
Motor Vehicle Division
Commercial Vehicle Center
29 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
207-287-8633 TWX: 207-622-5332 fax: 207-622-5332
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65; though lower speeds are posted in
western counties, with differentials for cars and trucks.
Access Rules: Twin-trailer units must use shortest practical
route between
designated highways and a truck terminal or cargo destination, or up to
one mile to facilities for food, fuel, repairs or rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. (hazmats allowed
in non-bulk quantities; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000
lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; 53 ft. on designated
routes; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: On designated
routes; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: fees vary
Department of Transportation 410-582-5727
Office of Traffic & Safety
7491 Connelly Drive
Hanover, MD 21076
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis by specific route permit to terminate upon
petition by manufacturing facility.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. permit and markings required; Single
axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. most highways, permit and markings
required; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: (wire services only) 72 hour vehicle permit, $15; 72 hour IFTA permit,
Department of Revenue 617-887-5080 (information only)
Bureau of Excise Taxes
Box 7012
Boston, MA 02204
DOT Website
Construction Website State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, Cars 70
Access Rules: Access restricted to five miles on state highways only.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin or 50 ft.
designated highways; Single axle: 20,000 lbs. with 12,000 lb. Steering axle limit;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; 11 axles up to 164,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 50 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 58 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.; maximum axle weight 13,000 lb. with one
32,000 lbs. tandem axle and an 18,000 lbs. steering axle, 11 axles and up to 164,000 lbs.
with proper spacing.
Trip Permit: $20 for 72 hours
Department of State 517-332-5458 fax:
IRP Unit
Bureau of Driver & Vehicle Records
Lansing, MI 48918
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: 70 mph on posted interstates
Access Rules: Twins and semis: fuel, food, repairs and points of loading and
unloading; household goods and livestock carriers: rest or for purpose of route continuity.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs. (46,000 w/permit); Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting;
Tractor-Semi-trailer: 75 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 15 days, $15
Department of Public Safety 651-405-6169
fax: 651-405-6168
Driver & Vehicle Services
1110 Centre Pointe Curve
Suite 425
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $25
Department of Transportation 601-923-7000
fax: 601-923-7133
Permit Section
Box 1140
Jackson, MS 39215
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access restricted to 10 miles.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semitrailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
State Size and Weight: Semitrailer: Not restricted; Tractor-Semitrailer: 60 ft.;
Twins: 65 ft. on specified roads; 55 ft. on all others; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs
Trip Permit: Recip., $10; Fuel, $10; $5, DOT; Combined fuel/reip.,
$20; Combined IRP-IFTA, $25
Highway Reciprocity Commission 573-751-6433
fax: 573-751-0916
Box 893
Jefferson City, MO 65105
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65, cars 75, all vehicles at night 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft; 57 ft. with permit; Tractor Semi-trailer:
Not restricted; Twins: Overall combination length of 61 ft; Single truck: 55 ft.; Gross
weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Department of Transportation 406-444-6130 Fax: 406-444-7670
Motor Carrier Services
Box 4639
Helena, MT 59604
DOT Website Construction

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 65 ft. trailers and coupling device; Gross weight: 95,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: One round-trip, no fee after that carrier must be
registered and have ID stamp on cab card in truck
Department of Motor Vehicles 402-471-4435
fax: 402-479-4024
Motor Carrier Services
Box 98935
Lincoln, NE 68509
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs. 129,000 lbs. by permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 70 ft.; Twins: 70
ft. overall; Gross weight: 129,000 lbs. by permit
Trip Permit: 24 hours, $5 plus 15 cents/mile, plus $30 fuel
charge if they’re not IFTA
Department of Motor Vehicles 702-687-5340
fax: 702-687-4756
Motor Carrier Bureau
555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins by permit only
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41-ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs. 129,000 lbs. by permit
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 3 days, $10
Department of Public Safety 603-271-2311
Bureau of Road Tolls
10 Hazen Dr.
Concord, NH 03305
DOT Website
Construction Website State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins to and from terminal destination; permit not needed.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $5 decal
Division of Motor Vehicles 609-633-9399
fax: 609-633-9393
Bureau of Motor Carriers
225 E State St., 2nd Floor West
Trenton, NJ 08666
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: Access and deliveries by twins and semis limited to within 20 miles of
Interstate system and designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Single axle: 21,600 lbs. with
steer axle of 12,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,320 lbs.; Gross weight: 86,400 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 57 ft. 6 in.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft. if
exceeds allowable trailer length; Twins: 65 ft.; Gross weight: 86,400 lbs.
Trip Permit: 48 hours, $5
Motor Transportation Division 505-827-2265
fax: 505-983-0135
Attn: Registration Section
Box 1028
Santa Fe, NM 87504
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65 mph; Turnpike doubles 55 on Thruway
Access Rules: Access follows federal 1 mile rule; other specified routes to be
authorized by state DOT upon carrier petition; 102 in. equipment allowed on all
highways with 10 ft. lanes
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 86,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor-Semi-trailer: 65 ft.; Twins: Not
permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $15 plus mileage tax
Department of Taxation & Finance 518-457-3653
Bldg. 8
State Campus
Albany, NY 12227
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access by application beyond 3 miles for STAA twins and semis
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 38,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 10 days, $15
Division of Motor Vehicles 919-733-7458
IRP Section
1425 Rock Quarry Road
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27610
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on all state highways; combinations over
75 ft. on designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 88 ft. state designated highways; 75 ft. all others; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross
weight: 105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $20
N.D. Highway Patrol 701-328-2621 fax: 701-328-1642
Motor Carrier Division
Hazardous Materials
600 E. Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, Cars 65
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: pup 28 ft. 6 in.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $10 plus surcharge
Department of Transportation 614-728-4099
fax: 614-728-4098
Special Hauling Permit Section
11610 W. Broad Street.
Columbus, OH 43223
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Interstate 70, Turnpike 75, all vehicles
Access Rules: 53 ft. each trailer, combination, not to exceed 100 ft. on Interstate and
four-lane roads only, 5 mile access
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.;
Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. (59 ft. 6 in. by permit); Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: 29 ft.; Gross weight: 90,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $12
Oklahoma Tax Commission 405-521-3036
fax: 405-525-2906
Motor Vehicle Prorate Division
2501 Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73194
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 55, cars 65
Access Rules: Access to one mile except where posted and on designated routes
with up to 48 ft. trailer
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft. with unlimited
trailer length on Group One highways; 65 ft. on Group Two highways with some
exceptions; Twins: 60 ft. on Group One highways; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $8 plus road use fee
Department of Transportation 503-373-0000 or
fax: 5503-378-2873
Motor Carrier Branch
Over-Dimension Permit Unit
550 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97310
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for 102 in. 48 ft. and 53 ft. trailers and twins allowed
on marked routes; written approval of state DOT no longer needed. Also ½ mile from
ramps and intersections; 1 mile to terminal or facility for food, fuel, rest.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft.;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: No provision
Department of Revenue 717-783-1906
TWX, Telex: 717-783-9204
Box 280646
Harrisburg, PA 17128
PA Turnpike Site
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 65 on I-295 and portions of I-95
Access Rules: Access for semis is all roads; and for twins restricted to one mile of
Interstate for food, fuel and rest; other routes by shipper/consignee request to state. 53
ft. trailers on Interstates only; access requires route approval by state DOT ($1000
fine), 401-277-2950 ext. 2036
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single
axle: 22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: 28 ft.
6 in.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 5 days, $20; Blanket fee $100
Division of Motor Vehicles 401-222-2970 ext.
2031, 2032
Room 103
286 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Access for twins is five miles to terminals, fuel, food and rest; by
permission for greater distances.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin setting; Single
axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 35,200 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; 102 inc. wide vehicles all roads; Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: By permission; Gross weight: 80,608 lbs.
Trip Permit: $15 plus wire service fee
Department of Public Safety 803-737-6620 800-937-6329
Box 1498
Columbia, SC 29216
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75 mph
Access Rules: Access for twins and semis on all state highways; combinations over
75 ft. on designated highways.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. restricted if 60 ft. overall; Tractor
Semi-trailer: 88 ft. state designated highways; 75 ft. all others; Twins: 75 ft.; Gross
weight: 105,500 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fuel permit $20; oversize $20; single trip
commercial license $15
Highway Patrol 605-773-4578
fax: 605-773-6046
Motor Carrier Enforcement
500 E. Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles: 70
Access Rules: Unavailable at this time
Interstate Size and Weight: Unavailable at this time
State Size and Weight: Unavailable at this time
Trip Permit: No Provision
Dept. of Transportation 615-741-3821 fax:
Overweight & Over-Dimensional
Permit Section
Suite 300 James K. Polk Bldg.
505 Deaderick St.
Nashville, TN 37243
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 70 day, 55 night; cars 70 day, 65 night
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 59 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: Not restricted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Tractor $25; Trailer $25
Department of Transportation 800-299-1700
fax: 512-465-3565
Motor Carrier Division
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin or 53 ft. if
70 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft. with 40 ft. 6 in. kingpin; Tractor
Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Twins: No overall limit if trailing units are 61 ft. or less;
Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 96 hours, $20 single unit, $40 combination; $20
for fuel
Department of Transportation 801-965-4508
fax: 801-965-4936
Ports of Entry Division
Box 141210
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association


Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins without permit limited to one mile for fuel, lodging,
repairs by permit; 48 ft. semis unlimited if 65 ft. overall; 53 ft. semis have one-mile
access; beyond that by route and company-specific permit.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 41 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
22,400 lbs.; Tandem axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 48 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.; Twins: Not
permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hour trip, $15
Department of Motor Vehicles 802-828-2070
Commercial Vehicle Operations
120 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05603
DOT Website Construction Website

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Shortest possible route within one mile.
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with kingpin setting no more than
41 ft. to rearmost axle or midpoint of tandem axles; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted; Tractor Semi-trailer: 65 ft.;
Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: $20 fuel; $15 IRP, 10 days
Department of Motor Vehicles 804-367-0558
2300 W. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: Trucks 60, cars 70
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 60 ft.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Department of Licensing 360-753-6901
Fuel Tax Division
Box 9228
Olympia, WA 98507
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 70
Access Rules: Restricted to two miles, including pints of loading and unloading
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 37 ft. kingpin from last tractor
axle to first semi-trailer axle; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross
weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not specified; Tractor Semi-trailer: 60 ft. some
roads restricted; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Use wire services
Department of Motor Vehicles 304-558-3629
fax: 304-558-3735
IRP Section
PO Box 174
Charleston, WV 25321
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 65
Access Rules: Access for twins and other combinations not to exceed five miles to
points of loading and unloading or staging or vehicle assembly facilities
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 53 ft. with 43 ft. kingpin; Single axle:
20,000 lbs.; Tandem axle: 34,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: Not restricted, maximum 43 ft. kingpin;
Tractor-Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Twins: Not permitted; Gross weight: 80,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: 72 hours, $15
By wire service: Cummins Cash 800-223-5588
jet permits: 800-733-2911 (in-state)
DOT Website Construction Website
State Association

Speed Limit: All vehicles 75
Access Rules: All roads
Interstate Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Single axle: 20,000 lbs.; Tandem
axle: 36,000 lbs.; Gross weight: 117,000 lbs.
State Size and Weight: Semi-trailer: 60 ft.; Tractor Semi-trailer: Not restricted;
Twins: 81 ft. overall with 48 ft. semi-trailer; Gross weight: 117,000 lbs.
Trip Permit: Fee varies
Wyoming Highway Patrol TWX: 307-777-4376
Fax: 307-777-4399
Box 1708
Cheyenne, WY 82003
DOT Website
Construction Website
State Association